With the increase in rent prices in the city of Miami, many try to find cheaper options.
The neighborhood you look to rent can largely determine how much you pay for a rental.
These are the five neighborhoods in Miami where rent is cheapest according to the rental platform Zumper.
Liberty city
The long-troubled and crime-ridden Liberty City neighborhood is another where rent is cheaper. With a median household income of $18,809.87 per year, the median rent is $1,325.
Allapattah is a small neighborhood in the city of Miami with a population of just over 40. With an average household income of $19,141.53 per year, it has an average rent of $1,500.
Little Haiti
The Little Haiti neighborhood is one of the poorest in the city of Miami with an average household income of $18,887.49 dollars per year. The average rent price in Little Haiti is $1600 dollars.
East of Little Havana
Little Havana has a population of 49.206, with 19.341 households. The median household income is $15,213.16. The median rent is $1,800.
Overtown has a population of 10.029 residents, with 3.646 households and 2.128 families residing in the city. The median household income is $13,211.99. The median rent price is $1,925.